GOOD HELLOW EVERYBODY! sorry i haven't been keeping up with my daily bloggings, but i've been lazy and i don't care. I DONT CARE!! but i lie, i do care. hello! sad news to report, although i'm sure all of you already know this, but is no longer. but not to worry, because the collective lives on. and we'll still be having shows all over the world and blah blah blah.
notice my cunning use of "blah blah's" to replace explanations...I AM SLY!!
anyways back to why i've been neglecting the diary machine...i've been busy with many things, most of which involve me doing absolutely NOTHING!!! here's a run down of what has been happening and what WILL be happening:
if most of you didn't already hear it from me, i've been working with the fine folks at Cranium to replace Gary Baseman's illustration style for the younger audience market...however after competing for the position with several other illustrators it came down to just me and this one other illustrator to see who will get the job. the only catch, the Craniacs decided that they don't want a new illustrator and wants Baseman to do it still....but not really Baseman, but someone who can emulate his style exactly. so i tried it, but couldn't resist and had to add my own little Chung in it. I DON'T MEAN SEMEN!! anyways i didn't get the job. but they still paid me a good chunk of change for my time. CHANGE IS GOOD!! so i am happy!
also i've been working on brand new T-shirt designs, and those will be printed and out on the market December 3rd. look for them on my website!! in addition to the new shirts, i've been working on new paintings for two upcoming shows at Gallery 1988's 3rd I AM 8-BIT show and also a Cult Movies show they're putting together for 2007. oh yeah and i got a piece in to the society of illustrators Los Angeles 45...thing. i don't know what you call it. also there's a show at the Feinkunst Kruger gallery in Hamburg/Germany that i'm in called, "Don't Wake Daddy"- it includes Van Arno, Anthony Ausgang, Gary Baseman, Mike Burnett, Brendan Danielsson, Chris Ryniak, Travis Louie, Robert Hardgrave, and a bunch more. That opens December 2nd.
also a show in Missouri that i need to send my work out to about a week ago. SORRY MOSTYN!! it's in the mail...soon. it'll get there in time!!
ummm...whatelse, oh yeah! i'm finally moving out of detroit!! but only to madison heights. i don't know how to feel about it, but it'll be good. and way cheaper, especially on car insurance.
today Desiree called me up saying a bird flew into her house and is attacking her. I tell her i'm on my way, hang up the phone and go back to sleep. but then i wake up five minutes later and head on out to her place...but not before getting a Macdonald's coffee. which by the way is REALLY GOOD! they've stepped it up a notch. i think. the only problem is they can't ever get the sugar and cream right!! everytime i ask for 1 cream and 1 sugar and they put 4 creams and 7 sugars in. C'MOOOOOOOOOAAAAAUGHN!!! KILL YOU!!! so i have to ask for it black with cream and sugar on the side now, so it's all good.
so i get over to desiree's house and catch the bird. it was very anti-climactic. pretty cool though, if you guys don't know Desiree's work, you should check it out she does some pretty cool stuff but she does these bird paintings where the birds are cute but evil and sometimes covered in blood. anyways, she had one of her paintings up where the bird hung out for awhile and also where i caught it in a garbage bag. then it fell asleep in my hands. stupid bird.

so we gave it some bread and then it flew away.
and just no more than two hours ago while i was about to eat a DELICIOUS SANDWICH!!!

the fire alarm went off in my building, so we all had to run outside screaming and get naked. it was horrible...i was the only one who got naked.

but anyways, there was no serious fire, just someones really bad cooking. unlike my sandwich making skills. SKILLS WHICH ARE AWESOME TO THE EXTREEEEEEME!!